“I haven’t seen your daughter look and act so relax ever”.

“My daughter who is 16 has struggled with anxiety and being overly stressed for many years. She will start worrying over the smallest things. She gets herself so worked up that she makes herself sick. She won’t ever allow herself to relax and just enjoy being a teenager. Everything has to be perfect and just right or she stresses over it. She is very involved with school, sports, church and anything she can make time for. As a mother I have seen her beat herself up emotionally if things aren’t’ going the right way. After trying to figure out how to help my daughter I decided to have Stephanie Maughan work with her. Even that stressed my daughter out not knowing what Stephanie was going to do. But soon after a couple of sessions my daughter has calmed down, relaxed and is even able to enjoy her life. She was at a sporting event and my dad turned to me and said, “I haven’t seen your daughter look and act so relax ever”. That is when I knew the time she has spent with Stephanie has truly helped her. I can tell when she starts to get uptight again and simple say it’s time to go visit Stephanie again. I am very happy to have something that can help my daughter calm down and just relax.”